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4th of July Virtual Parade!

National Emblem March

by John Philip Sousa



All Videos (no audio only, please) are due by:

Saturday June 6th

Here is the step-by-step list for how to participate in this online experience. Keep this page up in a separate window as you go through the process, or copy the page and print it. 


1. Open, print, and practice your part for National Emblem (click here for PDF). You were sent all parts in the email from Wednesday, June 3rd. If you no longer have this file, please contact me and I will resend it to you.

2. Click on the audio file below* to play and practice with National Emblem. The video includes a 16-beat (four measure) count off. Practice your part with the recording to get the feel for the tempo and musical articulations, dynamics, etc..


3. When you are ready, use your phone, tablet, or computer to record yourself playing along. Try to fill the entire frame with your face and instrument. If you are too far away we can't see you! You must use headphones as you record, so you can hear the track and so the band audio does not "leak" onto your instrument recording. 


4. Review your final video to be sure is plays correctly. Once you have a video performance you are satisfied with, save it and email it as a .mov or .mp4 file to: 








I only have a SHORT window of time to assemble this, so please send me your recording as soon as possible, but no later than Midnight Saturday, June 6th. Thanks!

National Emblem Audio w Click
00:00 / 03:20

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council.

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